In all cases, we will put together a price offer that is personalised, please contact us at one of the contact details below.
Contact details for requesting a price offer:
Mobile phone:
Szalai, Jánosné: +36 70 455 1111
Kovács, Nóra: +36 70 44 33 202
Szalai, Andrea: +36 70 455 1112
Main office:
Tel.: +36 76 430 318
Fax: +36 76 430 318
Mileage and hourly fees do not include additional costs:
– highway fee
– tolls
– parking fee
– ferry fee
– daily allowance, etc.
Minimum kilometer/day: 250km, minimum 4 hours.
For domestic transport +27% VAT, outside the country the VAT is 0%.
Bus fares will be calculated after consultation with the customer in order to find the most favorable material conditions.
Bus drivers complete their duties in compliance with international rules (driving and rest times). Please consider these rules when planning your trips.
The toll for the journey between the site and any other point in the country is also determined individually, depending on completion, it may even be free of charge.